SAE Media Group's 2nd Annual Virtual Conference
Wearable Injectors and Connected Devices
The global wearable devices market size is expected to reach a value of $62.82 billion USD by 2025 with time dependent delivery, improved patient experience and adherence and large volume administration with minimal injection pain and being key factors driving the market.
SAE Media Group’s 2nd annual Wearable Injectors and Connected Devices conference will explore real world examples of on-body device design and development for large volume delivery while engaging in the latest digital applications for wearable devices with industry case studies from pharma thought leaders. Assess the potential of connectivity and software for medical devices in this year’s packed agenda and understand how this is aiding the use of wearable devices for clinical trials. Furthermore, key regulatory updates and guidance will be presented by regulatory, notified body and industry experts for a comprehensive outlook of this exciting and ever-growing field.
We look forward to welcoming you to the conference in October.
Digital therapeutics using connected devices are often developed in collaboration between pharma, device and software developers, data platform owners, data providers, wearables and sensor providers and others.
This workshop will focus on:
- Reviewing the typical scope and component elements of a digital therapeutic
- Key considerations for a successful multi-party collaboration
- Development of the collaborations of the future