Counter UAS Technology Europe
1 April - 3 April 2025
Counter UAS Technology Europe

SAE Media Group are delighted to announce the third annual Counter UAS Technology Europe Conference, taking place in London on 1-3 April 2025.

With the growing proliferation of small drones and UAS technology, European armed forces and security agencies seeking to protect critical national infrastructure at home and also forward deployed personnel operating abroad. The European Counter UAS market is constantly growing with new programmes and projects announced. There has therefore never been a more important time for European C-UAS stakeholders to meet and network at Counter UAS Technology Europe 2025.

Counter UAS Technology Europe 2025 will showcase the very latest technology in the market to ensure that European personnel, equipment and infrastructure are protected from the proliferation of drones.

Speakers will feature from leading European C-UAS Programme Managers, wider international defence organisations and the top industry providers.

Make sure to view the Countering the Threat: A Comprehensive Review of National C-UAS Programs report here.


Air Commodore Steven Berry

Air Commodore Steven Berry

Head, Qatar Programme Office & Head, UK Joint Counter-UAS Office, UK Ministry of Defence
Brigadier General Kazimierz Dynski

Brigadier General Kazimierz Dynski

Air & Missile Department Chief, General Command of Polish Armed Forces
Colonel Glenn McCartan

Colonel Glenn McCartan

Embed, U.S. European Command, Defense Innovation Unit
Colonel Stuart Hay

Colonel Stuart Hay

Commander, 7th Air Defence Group
Major General Adrian Ciolponea

Major General Adrian Ciolponea

Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Representative in Europe, NATO

Air Commodore Steven Berry

Head, Qatar Programme Office & Head, UK Joint Counter-UAS Office, UK Ministry of Defence
Air Commodore Steven Berry

Air Commodore Steve Berry (nickname ‘Raz’) has been the Head of the UK MOD’s Joint Counter-UAS Office since July 2024.

Prior to this role, the Air Commodore has been involved with UK Defence Engagement and Export Sales; was the lead for Special Tasks in the UK MOD’s Military Aviation Authority; has Commanded the RAF’s Tornado and Typhoon Test and Evaluation Squadron; and latterly was the Chief Test Pilot for the RAF’s Air and Space Warfare Centre, during which he was instrumental in establishing a dedicated Joint Tactical UAS Test and Evaluation Squadron for Defence – now 744 NAS, based at MOD Boscombe Down.

Air Commodore Berry has flown the Harrier, Tornado and Typhoon, including Operations in the 2003 Gulf War. He holds a Masters in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the University of Southampton and is a graduate of the UK’s Higher Command and Staff Course at Shrivenham.

Brigadier General Kazimierz Dynski

Air & Missile Department Chief, General Command of Polish Armed Forces
Brigadier General Kazimierz Dynski

Kazimierz Dynski earned his commission from the Radar Engineering Military School. He is graduated from the National Defence University and the Air War College.

He started his career in Air Defence as a targeting officer up to A3 Division Chief of the POLAF HQ. He served as A7 Division Chief at the CC Air HQ Ramstein and J7 Deputy Chief the General Staff of the PAF, Deputy Chief of Staff - J3 Division Chief of the GENCOM and Director of the National Military Standardization Committee. He was assigned as commander of the 3rd Air Defence Brigade.

Captain Andrus Padar

Expert of Remote Sensing Research and Development Centre / Head of S2 section, Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, Estonian Cyber Defence League
Captain Andrus Padar

Chief Inspector Angel Manuel Siles Garcia

Head of Airspace Security and Protection, Spanish National Police
Chief Inspector Angel Manuel Siles Garcia

Colonel Adam Miller

PM for Directed Energy C-sUAS, US Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO)
Colonel Adam Miller

Colonel Glenn McCartan

Embed, U.S. European Command, Defense Innovation Unit
Colonel Glenn McCartan

Colonel Nathaniel Huston

Director, Innovation & Capability Integration, U.S. Central Command
Colonel Nathaniel Huston

Colonel Nathaniel R. Huston is Director of Innovation and Partnerships in the Office of the USCENTCOM Chief Technology Officer. As Director, Colonel Huston organizes innovation efforts across the organization’s headquarters, components, and subordinate units, and leads capability integration with and in support of partners in academia, across the Department of Defense, and with international partners throughout the CENTCOM theater.

Colonel Huston was commissioned in 1999 upon graduation from the University of Notre Dame with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering. His career spans a variety of information and Cyber Operations mission sets, to include support to the ICBM force, intelligence collection and dissemination, and tactical communications. He has deployed in support of flying operations in Kandahar, Afghanistan, and Baghdad, Iraq, where he oversaw communications operations for the country’s second busiest aerial port.

He is a graduate of the Air Command and Staff College and School of Advanced Air and Space Studies. Prior to his current position, Colonel Huston was a Professor and the Dean of Students at the DoD’s premiere strategy school, the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.

Colonel Nicolas Mueller

Head Defence Procurement Cooperation, Armasuisse / Federal Office for Defence Procurement
Colonel Nicolas Mueller

Colonel Quirino Avoli

Director, Italian Counter Mini/Micro UAS Center of Excellence
Colonel Quirino Avoli

Col. AVOLI was born on the 19th October 1976. Joined Army in 1992 as student at the “Nunziatella” military school and attended the Army Military Academy from 1997. Was appointed Lieutenant and achieved the degree in Politic Sciences in 2000; he achieved also the Master’s degree in Strategic Studies. The main military courses and expertise are:
- officer staff course;
- advanced joint staff officer course;
The main assignments were as “Skyguard” missile battery Commander, Chief of Operations and informations Office in 17th Air Defense Regiment. Assigned to Army General Staff in 2011 in the Financial Programs Office. Commander of the 2nd battalion of 17th Air Defence Regiment in 2017. Commander of 121st Air Defence Regiment in 2021. Commander of the Training Regiment of Air Defence Command in 2023. Assigned as Director to Italian Army Counter Mini-Micro UAS Center of Excellence in 2024.
Served also as:
- Company Commander in Homeland Security Operation (Italy, 2006-2008)
- Chief of training Office in Homeland Security Operation (Italy, 2004)
- Operational S5 Chief in “ALTHEA” mission (Bosnia, 2005):

Colonel Stuart Hay

Commander, 7th Air Defence Group
Colonel Stuart Hay

Since commissioning in 2003, Col Stuart Hay’s service has centred around both planning
and executing the integration of the Air and Land Components, at brigade and divisional
levels. He has a BSC (Hons) in Business and a Master’s degree in Business Administration.
His advanced staff training was as a member of the British Army’s Advanced Development
Operationally, he has deployed to Iraq twice; as a Multiple Commander on OP TELIC,
conducting Security Sector Reform in Basra in 2005 and as ADC to the 3* DCG MultiNational Force-Iraq in Baghdad in 2009. He deployed as a Fire Support Team Commander
in Afghanistan in 2007, on Op HERRICK 6, supporting both the Grenadier Guards and Royal
Anglian Regiment Battle Groups. In 2022, he was Director Plans for the Special Operations
Joint Task Force-Levant on Op SHADER.
His service on the Staff has included delivering joint operational medical capability for the
Surgeon General, largely to Afghanistan at the height of the conflict. He was also SO2 J5 in
the 1st Artillery Brigade, and a Chief of the Joint Air Ground Integration Cell (JAGIC), with
HQ 3rd (UK) Division.
He commanded 137 (Java) Battery and 132 Battery (The Bengal Rocket Troop), a focus of
which was broadening the contingent deployment opportunities for a nascent capability. As
Second-in-Command of 26th Regiment Royal Artillery, he controlled both the rebasing of the
last British Army artillery regiment in Germany, and the reformation of the divisional deep
fires regiment in Larkhill.
In May 2022 he took command of 16th Regiment Royal Artillery (The London Invicta
Gunners) during the first operational fielding of Sky Sabre to both the Falkland Islands and
eastern Europe, and the return to readiness of the Land Environment Air Picture Provision
In May 2024, he promoted to Colonel, and took command of 7th Air Defence Group; the UK’s
Ground Based Air Defence Formation.
He has a personal and academic interest in the relationships and interactions between
employee mindset and organisational culture. He spends his free time with Nikki (wife),
Noah (13) and Isla (10) doing anything outdoors and active. Holidays are usually spent on
anything that floats, messing about on rivers and beaches in Cornwall.

Colonel Vadym Slyusar

Chief of R&D Group, Central Research Institute of Armaments and Military Equipment, Armed Forces of Ukraine
Colonel Vadym Slyusar

Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist and Technician of Ukraine,
Principal Research Fellow of Central Research Institute of, Armaments and Military Equipment of Armed Forces of Ukraine Armed Forces of Ukraine

Vadym Slyusar has almost 40 years of research experience in the areas of radar systems, smart antennas for wireless communications and AI.
He earned Ph.D. in 1992, Doctor of Sciences in 2000, Professor in 2005, Honored Scientist and Technician of Ukraine in 2008.

The scientific portfolio includes 71 patents, almost 1000 publications in these areas (90 publications was included in SCOPUS (Author ID 7004240035) and 470 publications included in ORCID 0000-0002-2912-3149). He is authority in digital signals processing, AI technologies and other areas. Since 2009 - a Member of Editorial Board of Journal "Radioelectronics and Communications Systems". Scientific advisor of 16 PhDs (candidates of technics) and 2 Doctors of Science.

Dr Cristian Coman

Principal Scientist, NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency)
Dr Cristian Coman

Dr Donald Shiffler

Chief Scientist for Directed Energy, US Air Force Research Laboratory
Dr Donald Shiffler

Geert De Cubber

Team Leader of the Robotics & Autonomous Systems Research Unit, Project Coordinator of the EU-ISF COURAGEOUS Project, Subproject Coordinator for the EU-EDIDP-iMUGS Project, Royal Military Academy Belgium
Geert De Cubber

Hugo Morris

S02 C-sUAS Project 6 Lead, British Army
Hugo Morris

James Hemingfield

SO1 CUAS MCP, British Army
James Hemingfield

Lieutenant Colonel Alexandre Papy PhD

NATO Defence Against Terrorism DAT Counter UAV Chairman and Professor, Department of Ballistics and Weapon Systems, NATO and Belgium Royal Military Academy
Lieutenant Colonel Alexandre Papy PhD

Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Tripet

Deputy Chief of Staff, Air Brigade of the Permanent Secretary Posture, French Air Force
Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Tripet

Lieutenant Colonel Rudiger Rauch

Assistant Branch Chief, German Federal Ministry of Defense
Lieutenant Colonel Rudiger Rauch

Lieutenant Commander Kieran Lewis

Above Water Battlespace, IAMD Effects Capability Sponsor, Royal Navy
Lieutenant Commander Kieran Lewis

Lieutenant Commander Phillip Durand

Project Director - Above Water Warfare and C-UxS Systems, Directorate of Naval Requirements - Royal Canadian Navy
Lieutenant Commander Phillip Durand

Major General Adrian Ciolponea

Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Representative in Europe, NATO
Major General Adrian Ciolponea

Major Michel Koopman

C-UAS Program Manager, Royal Netherlands Air Force
Major Michel Koopman

Mario Behn

DEU VNC/Principal Scientist, NCI, NATO
Mario Behn

Mike Powell

CUAS Executive Director, ICR, inc
Mike Powell

Mike Powell is CUAS Executive Director at ICR, Inc. With a 30-year career in delivering advanced force protection technologies, Mike has proven himself a proactive force in serving the DoD. His expertise encompasses DoD capture management, strategy, market entry, and product management. Mike’s primary mission is to deploy ICR’s best in class CUAS Solutions for U.S. National and Regional Security, both for CONUS and OCONUS.

Mike's work with the USARMY earned him the esteemed "Innovator of the Year" award in 2014 from the state of Arizona for his outstanding force protection and border security solutions.
Throughout his career, Mike has demonstrated his ability to secure large contract awards and foster successful collaborations with the DoD, DHS and Industry Partners. He played a key role in capturing, and deploying warfighter protection systems with the USARMY, USMC and Industry. For the past 20 years, Mike has been an advocate of life saving innovations, forging DoD and industry collaborations that have strengthened force protection capabilities and mission success most recently as a subject matter expert on Counter Drone Technology.

Mike has marked his legacy with pioneering innovations, award achievements and fruitful strategic partnerships. As the Executive Director at ICR, Mike and his team are supporting the DoD in the deployment of Military grade, Cyber Takeover and Passive CUAS systems to enable advanced air littoral defense. Mike is deeply committed to deploying solutions that protect and save lives.

Roy Bookham

Chief Scientist, C-UAS Platforms Division, DSTL
Roy Bookham

Sean Bittick

C-UAS and Capability Development Officer, NATO
Sean Bittick

Senior Representative

, Israeli Air Force
Senior Representative

Squadron Leader Hugo Morris

SO2 Counter-small Uncrewed Air Systems, Project 6 Lead, British Army
Squadron Leader Hugo Morris

Squadron Leader Morris joined the RAF Regiment in 2000. His first assignment was as a Flight Commander on 26 Squadron with operational deployments to Op RESINATE SOUTH in Kuwait and Op TELIC I in Iraq. In 2004, he was posted to RAF Honington as the Ground Defence Training Officer and Officer Commanding the Nuclear Accident Response Team. After a second Op TELIC tour commanding an Iraq Department of Border Enforcement Training Team, in September 2006 Morris was amongst the first Bowman Signals Officers and assigned to 3 Squadron. During 3 Squadron’s Op HERRICK deployment in southern Afghanistan, Morris concurrently commanded a Rifle Flight and Support Weapons Flight.
On return from Afghanistan Morris joined the Bowman Training and Advisory Group (Joint), responsible for converting 3 Commando Brigade and 16 Air Assault Brigade units to the Bowman communication system. This role required a four-month deployment embarked on HMS Ocean whilst on attachment to 40 Commando Royal Marines. Following an extended Op HERRICK (LANSBURY) Afghanistan tour with UK Special Forces and the Security and Intelligence Agencies at the end of his Bowman role, in January 2012 Morris was posted to the Joint Counter-Terror Training and Advisory Team as the Pakistan High-Threat Team Leader on Op MONOGRAM
Returning from two years in Pakistan in January 2014, Morris was posted to the Full Spectrum Coordination Cell in London, a joint Ministry of Defence and Security and Intelligence Agency body for whom he spent a year in the United States as Liaison Officer. Promoted to Squadron Leader in November 2015 whilst in the United States, Morris returned to the UK in January 2016 for his first OF3 tour as the Close Combat and C-UAS Capability Development staff officer at Air Command. In November 2018 he was assigned to the Defence Portfolio & Approval Secretariat as the Air Desk Officer, during which time Morris deployed for eight months with UK Special Forces on Op BLANCA in Afghanistan in a high-threat mentoring capacity. In October 2022 Morris returned to the CUAS world as SO2 C-sUAS in Army HQ Programmes Directorate, responsible for the delivery of Land GBAD Project 6.
Morris is married to Caroline, a consultant Transplant physician, and they have a son, Rufus.

Stephen Bowdren

Program Executive Officer, Land Systems, United States Marine Corps
Stephen Bowdren

Mr. Stephen Bowdren leads the USMC’s only Program Executive Office at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia. His team of Marines and Civilian Marine acquisition professionals, across five program offices with 15 programs, develops, delivers, and sustains over $8B in lethal capabilities for the world’s preeminent fighting force, the United States Marine Corps.

Appointed to the Senior Executive Service in 2015, Mr. Bowdren served as the Executive Director of the Navy’s International Programs Office from 2019 to 2022, overseeing the Department of the Navy’s Foreign Military Sales, Cooperative Acquisition, and Technology Security and Foreign Disclosure programs. Prior to that assignment, he oversaw the Department of Navy’s TS&FD Directorate, coordinating releasability issues within the DON and with interagency stakeholders. In these and other positions, Mr. Bowdren spearheaded the development and implementation of several enterprise-wide security cooperation business and process management tools, including the Strategic International Acquisition planning process and the Navy’s Case Execution Performance Tool. He was NIPO’s inaugural Lean Six Sigma Deployment Champion and Black Belt and served in the same position for the Defense Security Cooperation Agency.

A retired naval surface warfare officer, Mr. Bowdren also qualified as a Joint Specialty Officer and a Strategic Planning subspecialist. His ashore tours included service as European Command’s Sub-Saharan Africa Politico-Military Action Officer, Surface Warfare Requirements Officer on the Pacific Fleet Staff, and propulsion plant examiner on the Atlantic Fleet Staff.

Mr. Bowdren holds degrees from the University of Connecticut (B.A. History, summa cum laude), Georgetown University (M.A. National Security Studies), and the Naval War College Command and Staff College. He is a graduate of the Federal Executive Institute. Professional certifications include Defense Acquisition Corps Program Manager Level III, Business Financial Manager Level I, Certified Defense Financial Manager, International Affairs Certified Level III and Security Cooperation Workforce qualified. He is a recipient of the Department of the Navy’s Meritorious and Superior Civilian Service Awards.

Wing Commander James Hemingfield

SO1 CUAS MCP, British Army
Wing Commander James Hemingfield


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chair's Opening Remarks

Roy Bookham

Roy Bookham, Chief Scientist, C-UAS Platforms Division, DSTL



Advancing British Army’s Current Mobile C-sUAS Capabilities: Insights from Project 6

Squadron Leader Hugo Morris, SO2 Counter-small Uncrewed Air Systems, Project 6 Lead, British Army

 • An overview of the British Army’s current mobile C-UAS capabilities under Project 6 – Handheld and vehicle-mounted
• Balancing kinetic and non-kinetic counter-UAS technologies to address evolving UAS threats
• Shifting British Army C-UAS training to adapt to divisional warfighting
• Short-term developments in small UAS countermeasures based on current operational feedback



Future Requirements for Mobile C-UAS Systems in the British Army

Wing Commander James Hemingfield

Wing Commander James Hemingfield, SO1 CUAS MCP, British Army

• An overview of the future UAS threat landscape and its implications for the British Army’s defence strategies
• Requirements for next-generation mobile C-UAS systems to enhance modularity and the rapid deployment of systems across various terrains
• Challenges related to the integration of mobile C-UAS platforms within joint operations and multi-domain battlespaces
• Future interoperability needs with NATO and allied forces to strengthen collective air defence capabilities



Joint British Army Q&A

Wing Commander James Hemingfield

Wing Commander James Hemingfield, SO1 CUAS MCP, British Army

Squadron Leader Hugo Morris, SO2 Counter-small Uncrewed Air Systems, Project 6 Lead, British Army



Session Reserved for Focus Day Strategic Partner



Morning Coffee



Enhancing On-The-Move C-UAS Systems for the Italian Armed Forces

Colonel Quirino Avoli, Director, Italian Counter Mini/Micro UAS Center of Excellence

• Updates on the development of on-the-move C-UAS systems for the Italian Army
• The integration of mounted C-UAS platforms with mechanised units
• Future requirements for the Italian Army’s mobile C-UAS capability



The Urgent Need to Protect Land Platforms Against Non-Jammable Top-Attack Threats

Colonel Nicolas Mueller

Colonel Nicolas Mueller, Head Defence Procurement Cooperation, Armasuisse / Federal Office for Defence Procurement

•Paradigm shifts on the battlefield
•Overview: non-jammable top attack munitions
•Overview: existing protective measures for land platforms
•Approach for a comprehensive protection solution



Session Reserved for Gold Sponsor - Echodyne



Networking Lunch



Employing Directed Energy Weapon Capabilities to Counter UAS Threats and Shape Enduring HEL

Colonel Adam Miller

Colonel Adam Miller, PM for Directed Energy C-sUAS, US Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO)

• Expediting nascent HEL capabilities to counter the acute UAS threat
• ‘Transformation in Contact’; Key insights into DE M-SHORAD and P-HEL Employment
• Shaping a RCCTO DE Enduring program to transition to PEO Missiles & Space



Leveraging Directed Energy for Mobile C-UAS Solutions in the US Air Force

Dr Donald Shiffler

Dr Donald Shiffler, Chief Scientist for Directed Energy, US Air Force Research Laboratory

• An overview of the USAF’s strategy for mobile C-UAS systems using directed energy technologies
• Current capabilities, such as the Tactical High Power Operational Responder (THOR) system, deployed in mobile configurations
• Challenges for the Integration of directed energy solutions into mobile air defence platforms
• Future AFRL innovations and S&T requirements for directed energy in mobile counter-UAS operations



Panel Discussion: Exploring the Role of Directed Energy in Modern Counter-UAS Operations

 • What are the primary applications of directed energy in C-UAS operations?
• What are the main challenges that must be addressed to enhance the effectiveness of directed energy C-UAS platforms?
• What are your key reflections from recent trials and
• Where do you foresee your primary focus being on directed energy C-UAS moving forward?

Colonel Adam Miller

Colonel Adam Miller, PM for Directed Energy C-sUAS, US Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO)

Dr Donald Shiffler

Dr Donald Shiffler, Chief Scientist for Directed Energy, US Air Force Research Laboratory

Lieutenant Commander Kieran Lewis

Lieutenant Commander Kieran Lewis, Above Water Battlespace, IAMD Effects Capability Sponsor, Royal Navy



Session Reserved for Sponsor



Afternoon Tea



Countering the Evolving Drone Threat in the Maritime Environment

Lieutenant Commander Kieran Lewis

Lieutenant Commander Kieran Lewis, Above Water Battlespace, IAMD Effects Capability Sponsor, Royal Navy

• An overview of the Royal Navy’s C-UAS Technology Roadmap
• Updates on Project DragonFire
• Developing a methodology in maritime C-UAS CapDev
• Challenges for industry and military in the coordination of maritime C-UAS development

Click here to read about Lieutenant Commander Lewis's presentation from the Counter UAS Technology Europe 2024 conference.



Overview of Operational and Technical Requirements for Mobile and On-The-Move C-UAS Systems

Dr Cristian Coman

Dr Cristian Coman, Principal Scientist, NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency)

• An overview of requirements for rapid deployment of mobile C-UAS systems
• Technological innovation in mobile C-UAS systems – including portable and mounted technologies
• Integration and interoperability across NATO forces
• Future requirements for effective mobile C-UAS systems



Countering Civil and Security Drone Threats: Mobile C-UAS Strategies of the Spanish National Police

Chief Inspector Angel Manuel Siles Garcia

Chief Inspector Angel Manuel Siles Garcia , Head of Airspace Security and Protection, Spanish National Police

• An overview of the ASPA Teams’ mobile C-UAS operations and their role in public safety
• Current mobile C-UAS capabilities deployed by the Spanish National Police, including handheld jammers and rapid response units
• Integration of mobile C-UAS solutions within urban security environments and critical infrastructure protection
• Future requirements for enhancing the mobile C-UAS capabilities of the Spanish National Police



Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

Roy Bookham

Roy Bookham, Chief Scientist, C-UAS Platforms Division, DSTL



Registration & Coffee



Chair's Opening Remarks

Roy Bookham

Roy Bookham, Chief Scientist, C-UAS Platforms Division, DSTL



UK Defence C-UAS – The Evolving Future

  • A shifting picture - The changing and challenging threat picture from a UK Defence position - Homeland vs Expeditionary operations.
  • The result of the Defence Review and its impact on UK Defence C-UAS capabilities.
  • The Delivery Challenge - Maintaining C-UAS capabilities at a pace with the rapidly evolving threat.
  • One Team, One Fight - The FVEYs JCO Concept – A collaborative approach to C-UAS.
  • Human in the loop, on the loop or complete automation? – Challenging the moral and ethical dilemma. 
  • Air Commodore Steven Berry, Head, Qatar Programme Office & Head, UK Joint Counter-UAS Office, UK Ministry of Defence



    Session Reserved for Lead Sponsor - Aaronia AG



    USMC PEO Land Systems Keynote

    Stephen Bowdren, Program Executive Officer, Land Systems, United States Marine Corps



    Session Reserved for Gold Sponsor - BlueHalo



    Morning Coffee



    Replicator 2.0: Tackling the Warfighter Priority of Countering the Threat Posed by Small Uncrewed Aerial Systems

    Colonel Glenn McCartan

    Colonel Glenn McCartan, Embed, U.S. European Command, Defense Innovation Unit

    • Leveraging emerging C-UAS technology to protect the United States’ critical installations and force concentrations
    • Overcoming challenges in production capacity, tech innovation, open system architecture, system integration and force structure
    • The DIU’s & USEUCOM’s wider role in catalyzing defense innovation and supporting European & NATO allies




    Session Reserved for Gold Sponsor - Echodyne



    The Italian Lines of Effort for Development of New C-UAS Systems

    Colonel Quirino Avoli, Director, Italian Counter Mini/Micro UAS Center of Excellence

     • The Italian perspective on the development and integration of C-UAS systems
    • Adopting a joint & interagency approach to the C-UAS threat
    • The integration of emerging technologies and artificial intelligence
    • Insights into the C-UAS CoE and role in developing ITA capabilities



    Session Reserved for Gold Sponsor - SentryCS



    Networking Lunch



    Session Reserved for Sponsor - Robin Radar



    USCENTCOM Counter UAS Priorities – Developing and Delivering Capabilities to the Warfighter

    Colonel Nathaniel Huston, Director, Innovation & Capability Integration, U.S. Central Command

     • Threats and threat profiles are rapidly evolving (e.g., Group 2/3 vs Group 1, tactics of approach and control) and defense scenarios are diverse (e.g. terrain, fixed vs mobile defense)
    • This means we must have a diverse menu of sensors and effectors available to apply to different threats and scenarios
    • If we assume different locations/threats will require different systems, we need a way to have those integrate rapidly with each other: interoperability is critical
    • Iteration *with* the warfighter will lead to much faster operationalization



    Session Reserved for Sponsor - Anduril



    Networking Break



    Session Reserved for Sponsor - Leonardo DRS Rada



    Olympic Games: Air Protection Debrief

    Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Tripet

    Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Tripet, Deputy Chief of Staff, Air Brigade of the Permanent Secretary Posture, French Air Force

  • Timeline and organisation
  • Assets deployed
  • Key Takeways
  • clock


    Session Reserved for Sponsor - ICR

    Mike Powell, CUAS Executive Director, ICR, inc



    Integrating C-UAS Capabilities Across Key European Nations

    Lieutenant Colonel Rudiger Rauch

    Lieutenant Colonel Rudiger Rauch, Assistant Branch Chief, German Federal Ministry of Defense

    • Efforts underway to bolster both sovereign and alliance wide C-UAS assets
    • Achieving cohesive procurement strategies and ensuring the interoperability of systems
    • Lessons learned from the War in Ukraine and impact on European C-UAS development



    Chair’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Roy Bookham

    Roy Bookham, Chief Scientist, C-UAS Platforms Division, DSTL



    Networking Drinks Reception Hosted by Lead Sponsor - Aaronia AG



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Roy Bookham

    Roy Bookham, Chief Scientist, C-UAS Platforms Division, DSTL



    Achieving Thorough Integration of UAS Countermeasures to Achieve Tactical Operational Requirements

    Major General Adrian Ciolponea

    Major General Adrian Ciolponea, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Representative in Europe, NATO

    • Leveraging C-UAS measures in the planning, synchronization and support of all combat groups
    • Recognising C-UAS as an imperative for force protection and integrating capabilities into all Task Forces to enhance operational effectiveness
    • NATO SACT’s perspective on the “drone arms race” and requisite acceleration in the adoption of novel technologies to counter malicious drone use



    C-UAS Experience During the War in Ukraine

    Colonel Vadym Slyusar, Chief of R&D Group, Central Research Institute of Armaments and Military Equipment, Armed Forces of Ukraine

    • Typical UAVs and tactics for their use when hitting targets
    • Means for detecting attacking UAVs and the C2 system
    • The use of passive means of protecting potential targets from UAV and role of arms air defence
    • New approaches in the fight against UAVs (use of interceptor drones, artificial intelligence technologies, direct energy weapons)



    RAF Keynote: Lessons Learned from the Introduction of a Kinetic C-UAS Capability

    Group Captain Sam Wiseman

    Group Captain Sam Wiseman, C-UAS Joint Futures, JCO, UK Ministry of Defence

  • How the RAF has developed the capacity to track, identify and defeat hostile drones
  • Improving the protection of key infrastructure including air bases in the UK and abroad
  • Embracing technological advancements and ensuring future system scalability
  • Specific challenges posed by kinetic solutions and assessment of the most effective methods
  • clock


    Session Reserved for Gold Sponsor - Hensoldt



    Networking Break



    Building the Polish Integrated Multi-Layered AMD and C-UAS Concept

    • Developing layered defence capabilities through leveraging proven capability and partner solutions
    • Updates on the SKYctrl C-UAS programme implementation by the Polish Armed Forces
    • Developing an integrated and data centric C2 system
    • Continuing to strengthen C-UAS capabilities on NATO’s eastern flank amidst growing provocations

    Brigadier General Kazimierz Dynski , Air & Missile Department Chief, General Command of Polish Armed Forces



    Session Reserved for Gold Sponsor - RTX



    CUAS Challenges at Iron Sword War

    Senior Representative

    Senior Representative , , Israeli Air Force

    • In the last year Israel at war.
    • Thousands of Missiles, Rockets, UAVs and Cruise Missiles has
    been launched towards Israel during that year.
    • The threats are multi directional – Iran, LH, Hutis, Iraqis Militias and Hamas attacked Israel during the war.
    • The Israeli Air Defense stand still, it has its success and it has its failures.
    • The lecture will cover the lessons learned during that war from a force build up perspective, focusing the CUAS challenges.



    Session Reserved for Gold Sponsor - IAI



    Networking Lunch



    Integrating c-UAS capabilities into an expeditionary IAMD – the tactical challenge to the User

    Colonel Stuart Hay, Commander, 7th Air Defence Group

    • How true is it to conceive of the UAS threat as a continuation of the conventional air threat spectrum from a User perspective?
    • What are the governing principles and optimal levels of integration in considering integration for the User?
    • What gaps and opportunities are there for the tactical user in current capabilities to defeat the c-UAS threat




    Session Reserved for Sponsor - D-Fend Solutions



    Briefs & Joint Q&A: NATO’s Counter UAS Initiatives

     • Updates on the efforts to bolster alliance wide C-UAS capabilities
    • Findings from the TIE-24 exercise and impact on doctrine development
    • Future acquisition plans following the August 2024 contract award to MyDefence

     • Updates on the efforts to bolster alliance wide C-UAS capabilities
    • Findings from the TIE-24 exercise and impact on doctrine development
    • Future acquisition plans following the August 2024 contract award to MyDefence

    Lieutenant Colonel Alexandre Papy PhD

    Lieutenant Colonel Alexandre Papy PhD, NATO Defence Against Terrorism DAT Counter UAV Chairman and Professor, Department of Ballistics and Weapon Systems, NATO and Belgium Royal Military Academy

    Mario Behn

    Mario Behn, DEU VNC/Principal Scientist, NCI, NATO

    Sean Bittick

    Sean Bittick, C-UAS and Capability Development Officer, NATO



    Session Reserved for Sponsor - OSL



    Networking Break



    Session Reserved for Sponsor - MOOG



    Session Reserved for Sponsor - Leonardo



    Briefs & Joint Q&A: Protecting NATO’s Eastern Flank from UAS Threats

    • Overview of current efforts to procure and integrate effective C-UAS systems across NATO’s eastern flank
    • Ensuring effective protection of critical defence infrastructure, installations and assets from potential Russian aggression
    • Lessons learned from Ukraine and areas of focus for future procurement and doctrine development

    Harijs Osis

    Harijs Osis, C-UAV Specialist, National Armed Forces of Latvia

    Captain Andrus Padar

    Captain Andrus Padar, Expert of Remote Sensing Research and Development Centre / Head of S2 section, Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, Estonian Cyber Defence League

    Brigadier General Kazimierz Dynski , Air & Missile Department Chief, General Command of Polish Armed Forces



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Roy Bookham

    Roy Bookham, Chief Scientist, C-UAS Platforms Division, DSTL

    Head, Qatar Programme Office & Head, UK Joint Counter-UAS Office
    UK Ministry of Defence
    Air & Missile Department Chief
    General Command of Polish Armed Forces
    Expert of Remote Sensing Research and Development Centre / Head of S2 section
    Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, Estonian Cyber Defence League
    Head of Airspace Security and Protection
    Spanish National Police
    PM for Directed Energy C-sUAS
    US Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO)
    Embed, U.S. European Command
    Defense Innovation Unit
    Director, Innovation & Capability Integration
    U.S. Central Command
    Head Defence Procurement Cooperation
    Armasuisse / Federal Office for Defence Procurement
    Italian Counter Mini/Micro UAS Center of Excellence
    7th Air Defence Group
    Chief of R&D Group, Central Research Institute of Armaments and Military Equipment
    Armed Forces of Ukraine
    Principal Scientist
    NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency)
    Chief Scientist for Directed Energy
    US Air Force Research Laboratory
    Team Leader of the Robotics & Autonomous Systems Research Unit, Project Coordinator of the EU-ISF COURAGEOUS Project, Subproject Coordinator for the EU-EDIDP-iMUGS Project
    Royal Military Academy Belgium
    S02 C-sUAS Project 6 Lead
    British Army
    British Army
    NATO Defence Against Terrorism DAT Counter UAV Chairman and Professor, Department of Ballistics and Weapon Systems
    NATO and Belgium Royal Military Academy
    Deputy Chief of Staff
    Air Brigade of the Permanent Secretary Posture, French Air Force
    Assistant Branch Chief
    German Federal Ministry of Defense
    Above Water Battlespace, IAMD Effects Capability Sponsor
    Royal Navy
    Project Director - Above Water Warfare and C-UxS Systems
    Directorate of Naval Requirements - Royal Canadian Navy
    Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Representative in Europe
    C-UAS Program Manager
    Royal Netherlands Air Force
    DEU VNC/Principal Scientist
    CUAS Executive Director
    ICR, inc
    Chief Scientist, C-UAS Platforms Division
    C-UAS and Capability Development Officer
    Israeli Air Force
    SO2 Counter-small Uncrewed Air Systems, Project 6 Lead
    British Army
    Program Executive Officer, Land Systems
    United States Marine Corps
    British Army

    Gold Sponsors



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    Past Attendee List


    Past Presentation - Brave1


    Past Presentation - Andre Haider


    Past Presentation - James Bailey


    Past Presentation - Daniel Flack


    Past Presentation - Arun Arumugam


    Past Presentation - Mario Behn


    Past Presentation - Michael O’Hara


    Past Presentation - Chung-Ling Hung & Jyh-Shyang Seu


    Past Presentation - Kieran Lewis


    Past Presentation - Bob Moll


    Past Presentation - Alessio Gronchi


    Past Presentation - Leo McCloskey


    Past Presentation - Lars Krogh Vammen


    Past Presentation - Kazimierz Dynski


    Sponsors and Exhibitors


    Gold Sponsors

    BlueHalo is purpose-built to provide industry-leading capabilities in the domains of Space, C-UAS and Autonomous Systems, Cyber, and AI/ML. BlueHalo focuses on inspired engineering to develop, transition, and field next-generation capabilities to solve the most complex challenges of our customers’ critical missions and reestablish our national security posture in the near-peer contested arena. Learn more at http://www.bluehalo.com.


    Gold Sponsors

    Echodyne is a U.S. designer and manufacturer of advanced radar solutions for government and homeland security applications. The company’s proprietary metamaterials electronically scanned array (MESA®) is a rare breakthrough in advanced radar engineering. Leveraging a novel physics-design approach, Echodyne combines solid-state, low-SWaP designs with advanced software capabilities to deliver superior performance and data integrity, radically improving system performance and enhancing safety. With leading positions in counter-drone, border security, public safety, and VIP asset security, security companies and governmental agencies rely on Echodyne radar for extraordinary accuracy and consistent, reliable operation. For more information, please visit: Echodyne.com.


    Gold Sponsors

    HENSOLDT is a leading company in the European defence industry with global reach. Based in Taufkirchen near Munich, the company develops complete sensor solutions for defence and security applications. As a technology leader, HENSOLDT drives the development of defence electronics and optronics and is continuously expanding its portfolio based on innovative approaches to data management, robotics and cyber security. With more than 6,500 employees, HENSOLDT achieved a turnover of 1.7 billion euros in 2022. HENSOLDT is listed in the MDAX on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.


    Gold Sponsors

    With more than 185,000 global employees, RTX pushes the limits of technology and science to redefine how we connect and protect our world. Through industry-leading businesses – Collins Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney, and Raytheon – we are advancing aviation, engineering integrated defense systems, and developing next-generation technology solutions and manufacturing to help global customers address their most critical challenges. The company, with 2023 sales of $69 billion, is headquartered in Arlington, Virginia.


    Gold Sponsors

    Convexum are excited to announce they have rebranded to Sentrycs. With this name and brand change we embark on a new journey that reflects the evolution of our company, and our commitment to protecting the sky from threats caused by unauthorized commercial drones, while enabling the progress drones are bringing to society, and contributing to a healthy drone economy. Under our new ownership by Treo Asset Management, we will keep focusing on providing the best possible service to and protecting the interests of our customers and partners while driving the Integrated Counter-drone category in the market. If you want to learn more, you can read the press release we've just published. We hope that you will join us in embracing this new chapter and continue to support us as we strive to foster a safe and secure drone-empowered future. Thank you for following Convexum. We look forward to continuing our joint journey as Sentrycs. Visit us at sentrycs.com




    Anduril is a defense products company. Unlike most defense companies, we don’t wait for our customers to tell us what they need. We identify problems, privately fund our R&D and sell finished products off the shelf. Ideas are turned into deployed capabilities in months, not years, saving the government and taxpayers money along the way.

    D-Fend Solutions Ltd.


    D-Fend Solutions is the leading counter-drone takeover technology provider, enabling full control, safety and continuity during rogue drone incidents across complex and sensitive environments, to overcome both current and emerging drone threats. With hundreds of deployments worldwide, EnforceAir, the company’s flagship offering, focuses on the most dangerous drone threats in military, public safety, airport, prison, major event and critical infrastructure environments. D-Fend Solutions’ technology has been chosen as best-in-class and is in deployment at top-tier U.S. government agencies – including with U.S. military, federal law enforcement and homeland security – as well as major international airports globally. EnforceAir autonomously executes RF, cyber-takeovers of rogue drones for a safe landing and outcome, ensuring the smooth flow of communications, commerce, transportation and everyday life.



    About ICR: We will be the first to identify and solve the Intelligence and Defense Communities’ toughest engineering and operational problems by establishing a true partnership with our Customers. Despite our advanced degrees and heavy R&D focus, it is our hands-on experience and scars from the field that will enable us to create very practical and reliable solutions. Our purpose at ICR is to establish a company where the best minds in their career field want to work. Our Customer’s problems will become our own and our employees will wake up each day wanting to solve them. Through a culture of stewardship and calculated risk-taking, we hope to mentor, develop and ultimately transition ICR’s ownership and leadership from our earliest employees to our future generation of employees. Who we are: • We are employee owned and deeply committed to our U.S. Defense mission • 800 Employees • 90%+ of staff hold TS-SCI Clearance • We pride ourselves in solving the most difficult challenges for the USGOV • Headquartered in Colorado, with 15 offices throughout the U.S. • 2 decades in Counter Drone experience



    Leonardo delivers capability that provides military forces globally with timely information superiority, force protection, situational awareness, command and control, weapon systems management, target tracking, coastal surveillance and network communications. Specialising in systems integration, digitalized architectures, combat & battle management systems and multi-sensors, electro-optical fire control systems and infrared search and track (IRST) systems. The breadth of technical expertise allows for the design and manufacturing of flexible, modular and scalable systems that meet any operational requirement on Land. As lead for the UK’s Icarus programme, Leonardo has developed the Modular Integrated Protection System (MIPS) Standard and modular systems approach providing the basis upon which future Active Protection System (APS) solutions can be developed, integrated and evolved to meet the operational need. Leonardo is a world player in Aerospace, Defence, Security and Space, developing advanced components to fully integrated systems and platforms.

    Leonardo DRS


    DRS RADA Technologies is a pioneer of combat-proven, multi-mission software-defined radars for enhanced survivability of on-the-move operations. Offering a wide range of compact, lightweight radar platforms based on cutting-edge 4D AESA pulse Doppler technology, our systems enable lifesaving, mission-critical capabilities for the maneuver force. With simultaneous multi-mission capability, our tactical radar systems provide real-time 360° Situation Awareness for operational superiority.

    Moog Space and Defence


    Moog is a global designer, manufacturer and integrator of precision motion control products and systems for mission critical defence applications across air, land, surface and subsea domains. Moog’s turreted weapons systems are deployed in Air Defence and CUAS roles worldwide. Our Reconfigurable Integrated-weapons Platform - RiwP – is a proven (TRL9) innovative turret offering multiple weapon options to guarantee tailored overmatch in every combat situation. Widely fielded in SHORAD and CUAS roles, RiwP includes high- performance target acquisition technology and the unique ability to be reconfigured by the user according to new and emerging threats.



    OSL specialises in situational intelligence solutions to protect against drones and other threats, focusing on air and ground risks. We provide comprehensive solutions for risk detection, monitoring, and proactive resolution. Our services include bespoke consulting, managed services, and advanced perimeter management, catering to various sectors like airports, law enforcement, and critical infrastructure. We aim to lead globally in situational intelligence, offering visibility and security to manage modern challenges in complex environments, ensuring the safety of people, property, and assets.

    Robin Radar Systems


    Robin Radar Systems is a Netherlands-based technology leader in radar systems for tracking and classification of small targets. Combining affordable sensors with smart software, Robin provides actionable information to increase safety and security with its specialised bird and drone radars. Robin’s advanced drone detection radars are used at airports, and for protecting critical infrastructure, military installations, and security events the world over. Our flagship counter-drone radar, IRIS®, has the capacity to detect and track rogue drones, automatically distinguishing them from birds with full 360° coverage; providing essential support for military operations and VIP events. Robin’s installed base of radars is over 140 and counting. For more info visit www.robinradar.com




    DragonFire: the UK’s sovereign high power laser directed energy weapon

    DragonFire provides an innovative and cost effective solution to address the immediate threat of Unmanned Aerial Systems and softer targets in the maritime and land based domains with exceptional accuracy. The capability utilises world-leading technologies in coherent beam combining, advanced targeting and image processing provided by leading UK industrial players MBDA, QinetiQ and Leonardo.

    Since 2017, DragonFire has conducted numerous trials to prove its performance against moving targets at range, providing a variety of effects up to full disablement proving its suitability to operate in challenging and contested environments as part of an integrated air and missile defence system. The performance of DragonFire shown by these trials has resulted in a decision by the UK Government to accelerate the in-service date of maritime LDEW by 5 years to 2027.

    Elbit Systems UK


    Elbit Systems UK is an innovative Defence Technology company employing over 680 people across sixteen sites in the UK. Manufacturing and integrating advanced technology for the UK Armed Forces and our allies, our extensive portfolio provides cutting-edge capabilities for the British Army, Royal Navy, and Royal Air Force, protecting the UK at home and abroad.

    We work on a range of technologies for both military and civilian applications to meet our customer requirements. With a focus on UK sovereignty the Elbit Systems UK supply chain creates and sustains jobs around Great Britain. Utilising this established network of partners and suppliers we support the MOD as they deliver for our Armed Forces.

    Elbit Systems UK is a subsidiary of Elbit Systems Ltd (NASDAQ and TASE: ESLT), an international high technology company with a presence in dozens of countries. Elbit Systems develops and supplies a range of airborne, land and naval systems and services for Defence, homeland security and commercial applications worldwide.



    L3Harris Technologies is the Trusted Disruptor in the defense industry. With customers’ mission-critical needs always in mind, our employees deliver end-to-end technology solutions connecting the space, air, land, sea and cyber domains in the interest of national security. Visit L3Harris.com for more information.

    MSI-Defence Systems


    MSI-Defence Systems has a rich heritage in the design and manufacture of defence equipment in the UK.

    The company expanded rapidly through the early 20th century and was manufacturing defence equipment prior to the First World War. Searchlight assemblies and mechanical computers are just some of the many items designed and built for the Navy, Army and fledgling Air Force.

    In the 1930s, working with the UK Admiralty Research Establishment, the company became heavily involved in the supply of electro-mechanical computers for both surface ship large gun fire control and submarine torpedo fire control systems.

    With the advent of digital control technologies in the 1970s, the company migrated to the design and supply of sophisticated above water and underwater weapons and sensor platforms, the core technologies employed by the company today.



    OpenWorks provides autonomous systems for Surveillance and Defence applications, ideally suited to Fire Control and vehicles, vessels and UGVs/USVs. Our Vision products are used in C-UAS, Defence and surveillance, sensing and tracking missions. The SkyWall products provide physical capture for C-UAS. OpenWorks can provide integrated sub-systems/systems using in-house technology/products, for standalone use or integration by Defence primes/Integrators

    Media Partners

    C-UAS Hub

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    This information hub for Counter-UAS and airspace awareness content includes news, original articles, vendors, products, services, events, multimedia content, and a comprehensive reference library. This site is an excellent resource for professionals from the defense, public safety, government, academia, critical infrastructure, corporate security, and private security sectors.


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    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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