Close Air Support

Effective delivery of close air support and precision fires, both within the conventional and asymmetric environment, remains a decisive factor in the outcome of ground operations. A discussion of close air support is particularly timely, with coalition strikes being carried out on a daily basis over Iraq and Syria, the delivery of close air/air interdiction during complex counter insurgency environments remains a real challenge. Simultaneously, NATO land/air forces have entered an era of increased tension, where they must prepare for future high intensity operations against a technologically advanced enemy. How might CAS and integrated fires be delivered within an area of operations where air superiority may not be assured?

It is the aim of our forthcoming conference to focus on these questions and numerous other challenges surrounding the delivery of CAS. Focusing on the collaboration between military, research and industry to develop proactive solutions, inviting not only the leading operators at the forefront of air to ground operations and training, but also technical leaders from research and industry, who are create the platforms, targeting sensors, command and control and munitions at the heart of close air targeting and delivery


Air Commodore Paddy Teakle

Air Commodore Paddy Teakle

Deputy Commander NATO AEW&C Force Command, NATO
Brigadier General Nir Nin Nun

Brigadier General Nir Nin Nun

Air Support and Helicopter Air Division Commander, Israeli Air Force
Colonel Zdenek  Bauer

Colonel Zdenek Bauer

Deputy Chief of Staff, Air Operations, Czech Air Force
Group Captain Christopher Mullen

Group Captain Christopher Mullen

Chief, Air Operations Co-ordination Centre, Joint Fires and Influence Branch , NATO
Lieutenant Colonel James Krischke

Lieutenant Colonel James Krischke

Chief, Forward Air Control Capabilities Section, Air Command , NATO
Lieutenant Colonel Thierry Aguilar

Lieutenant Colonel Thierry Aguilar

Digitally Aided Close Air Support Program Officer, Fighter Equipment, French Air Force

Air Commodore Paddy Teakle

Deputy Commander NATO AEW&C Force Command, NATO
Air Commodore Paddy Teakle

Air Marshall (ret) Greg Bagwell CB CBE

Former Deputy Commander, Operations, Air Command, Royal Air Force
Air Marshall (ret) Greg Bagwell CB CBE

Brigadier General Nir Nin Nun

Air Support and Helicopter Air Division Commander, Israeli Air Force
Brigadier General Nir Nin Nun

Brigadier Richard Haldenby

Programme Lead, Command and Control Force Development Programme, Niteworks
Brigadier Richard  Haldenby

Captain Gabriele Nobili

Forward Air Controller Section, Air Ground Operations School , Italian Air Force
Captain Gabriele Nobili

Captain Merijn Kerkhofs

Deputy Commander, Target Support Cell, Royal Netherlands Air Force
Captain Merijn Kerkhofs

Colonel Zdenek Bauer

Deputy Chief of Staff, Air Operations, Czech Air Force
Colonel Zdenek  Bauer

Dr Lee Peterson

Program Manager, ViaSat Inc
Dr Lee Peterson

Flight Lieutenant Daniel Jones

Weapons, Typhoon Standards and Evaluation Squadron , Royal Air Force
Flight Lieutenant Daniel Jones

Group Captain Christopher Mullen

Chief, Air Operations Co-ordination Centre, Joint Fires and Influence Branch , NATO
Group Captain Christopher Mullen

Lieutenant Colonel Andrea Olivieri

Precision Guided Munition Subject Matter Expert, Combat Air Branch, Joint Air Power Competence Centre, NATO
Lieutenant Colonel Andrea Olivieri

Lieutenant Colonel James Krischke

Chief, Forward Air Control Capabilities Section, Air Command , NATO
Lieutenant Colonel James Krischke

Lieutenant Colonel Shawn Basco

Senior Military Assistant to the Deputy Chairman, NATO, United States Marine Corps
Lieutenant Colonel Shawn Basco

Lieutenant Colonel Thierry Aguilar

Digitally Aided Close Air Support Program Officer, Fighter Equipment, French Air Force
Lieutenant Colonel Thierry Aguilar

Major Anastasi Valerio

Operations Chief, 51 Wing, Italian Air Force
Major Anastasi  Valerio

Major Claudia Bredow

Team Leader Suitability Tasting, German Army
Major Claudia  Bredow

Major Nader Samadi

Commander, German Air Ground Operations School, French/German Air Ground Operations School, German Air Force
Major Nader Samadi

Major Nicholas Dimitruk

Course Chief and Standardization Officer, TACAIR Expeditionary Warfare Training Group Pacific, United States Marine Corps
Major Nicholas Dimitruk

Major Rick Keeson

SO2 Effects, Attack Helicopter Force Headquarters , Joint Helicopter Command
Major Rick Keeson

Mr Jeppe Muller

CEO Precision Tactical Defense , GMRE Inc
Mr Jeppe Muller

Mr Nick Sparks

Principle Consultant, AirLand Integration Ltd
Mr Nick Sparks

Squadron Leader Tim Brown

Officer Commanding, Advanced Training Squadron, School of Aerospace Battle Management, RAF
Squadron Leader Tim Brown

Wing Commander John Leighton

Commanding Officer, Air Platform Protection Test & Evaluation Squadron , RAF
Wing Commander John Leighton


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Air Commodore Paddy Teakle

Air Commodore Paddy Teakle, Deputy Commander NATO AEW&C Force Command, NATO



Overcoming the Challenges of Delivering Integrated Joint Fires in a Coalition Environment in a High Intensity Conflict

Group Captain Christopher Mullen

Group Captain Christopher Mullen, Chief, Air Operations Co-ordination Centre, Joint Fires and Influence Branch , NATO

• De-confliction of fires in the corps deep battle
• Strategies and architectures for integrating land and air assets; how does a peer enemy threat influence this?
• Preventing blue on blues during dynamic and shifting areas of operations; are pre-planned control measures sufficient to ensure de-confliction?
• Future plans for strengthening of interoperability within the Joint Fires and Influence Branch



Close Air Support: IAF Perspective

Brigadier General Nir Nin Nun

Brigadier General Nir Nin Nun, Air Support and Helicopter Air Division Commander, Israeli Air Force

• Israel Air Force structure and missions
• CAS (Close Air Support) in the Israel Air Force:
 o Close air support concept
 o Close air support capabilities
• Operational lessons learned (Operation Protective Edge)



Morning Coffee



Developing Future NATO Forward Air Control Capabilities and Doctrine

Lieutenant Colonel James Krischke

Lieutenant Colonel James Krischke, Chief, Forward Air Control Capabilities Section, Air Command , NATO

• Feedback from coalition operations and recent NATO exercises
• What this means for future plans and policy
• Efforts to standardise and enhance interoperability, both in the air and on the ground



BDATec: CAS Capabilities and Implementation

Mr Jeppe Muller

Mr Jeppe Muller, CEO Precision Tactical Defense , GMRE Inc

• BDATech product offerings and details
• Current CAS capabilities
• Current implementation of products and capabilities
• Opportunities for product integration




Air Land Integration and Digitalisation of Close Air Support within the French Air Force

Lieutenant Colonel Thierry Aguilar

Lieutenant Colonel Thierry Aguilar, Digitally Aided Close Air Support Program Officer, Fighter Equipment, French Air Force

• Operational feedback
• DACAS French vision
• French Air Force solutions



Networking Lunch



Small Form Factor link 16 Datalinks Bridge the Close Air Support Gap

Dr Lee Peterson

Dr Lee Peterson, Program Manager, ViaSat Inc

• New developments allow data link integration into manned and unmanned air vehicles
• Enabling instantaneous networking between airborne and ground-based operations
• Hand-held Link 16 terminals to avoid fratricide and curser-on-target
• Zero latency situation assessment enhances overall mission success



French/German Air-Land Theatre Simulation and Training for FAC Personnel

Major Nader Samadi

Major Nader Samadi, Commander, German Air Ground Operations School, French/German Air Ground Operations School, German Air Force

• Key training objectives to prepare the war fighter
• Combining synthetic and live exercises for blended learning: Synthetics as a key preparer for live runs
• Cost saving benefits delivered through minimisation of live runs
• VBS2 and advantages of NATO interoperability for multi-national training and operations
• Future plans for developing training realism and interoperability at the Air Ground Operation School



Afternoon Tea



The Italian Air Ground Operations Schools’ use of Advanced Synthetics for JTAC & CAS Training

Captain Gabriele Nobili

Captain Gabriele Nobili, Forward Air Controller Section, Air Ground Operations School , Italian Air Force

• Building virtual environments that allow forward air controller trainees to practice tactics, techniques and procedures
• Current simulators deployed: VBS-3, VBS-3 Fires FST
• Planning and virtually executing Close Air Support missions
• Plans and areas of development for future synthetic CAS instruction



Close Air Support Collective Training and the Changing Role of Simulation

Mr Nick Sparks

Mr Nick Sparks, Principle Consultant, AirLand Integration Ltd

• Does the current delivery of part task training of individual JTACs using VR headset and dome systems limit training or risk negative training?
• How can these systems be integrated into collective training?
• What should technology deliver to enable JTAC training and ALI training of commanders as the availability of CAS aircraft declines?
• How should technology develop to enable ALI training not just at large fixed facilities but on deployed collective training?




Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

Air Commodore Paddy Teakle

Air Commodore Paddy Teakle, Deputy Commander NATO AEW&C Force Command, NATO



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Air Commodore Paddy Teakle

Air Commodore Paddy Teakle, Deputy Commander NATO AEW&C Force Command, NATO



Joint Battlespace Management (JBM): The Fundamental Enabler for Effective Close Air Support

Brigadier Richard  Haldenby

Brigadier Richard Haldenby, Programme Lead, Command and Control Force Development Programme, Niteworks

• The drivers for better JBM, or, “When JBM goes wrong…”
• What does ‘good’ JBM look like?
• Ongoing developments in UK JBM
• Addressing the JBM training challenge



Czech Armed Forces Advancement of Close Air Support Capability

Colonel Zdenek  Bauer

Colonel Zdenek Bauer, Deputy Chief of Staff, Air Operations, Czech Air Force

• Current approaches and assets for delivery of close air support within the Czech Armed Forces
• Perspectives and lessons learnt from Exercise Ample Strike 2016
• Joint land and air capability areas for development of close air support



Morning Coffee



CAS in Combat

Lieutenant Colonel Shawn Basco

Lieutenant Colonel Shawn Basco, Senior Military Assistant to the Deputy Chairman, NATO, United States Marine Corps

• CAS in a permissive environment: 2003 Invasion of Iraq
• A forward air controllers perspective
• CAS in complex environment: Discussion
• The future: 5th and 4th Generation Aircraft



Combat Air Branch Close Air Support Future Trends

Lieutenant Colonel Andrea Olivieri

Lieutenant Colonel Andrea Olivieri, Precision Guided Munition Subject Matter Expert, Combat Air Branch, Joint Air Power Competence Centre, NATO

• An overview of the shifting operational environment and the need to prepare for multiple eventualities
• Multi Service contribution to Close Air Support
• Emerging Capabilities and Future Technologies: impact on shaping CAS and JTAC Operations



Networking Lunch



German Armed Forces Strengthening of Close Air Support and Joint Fires

Major Claudia  Bredow

Major Claudia Bredow, Team Leader Suitability Tasting, German Army

• German joint fires architecture and scheme of fires
• Approaches and challenges to integration of multiple effects
• Future capability areas for development and digitalisation of joint fires



Current Approaches and Future Capabilities to Develop Close Air Support within the Italian Air Force

• An overview of Stormo 51 force structure and capabilities of AMX International
 o Air to ground attack
 o Close air support to ground troops
• Concepts of operation for air-land integration and effective CAS delivery
• Feedback from recent close air support operations and international exercises
 o The need to develop on board sensors and small diameter bombs to reduce collateral damage
• Future plans and policy for developing the CAS capability of Stormo 51
 o Improving capability to perform Field CDE and develop effective TTPs to be able to attack moving targets

Major Anastasi  Valerio

Major Anastasi Valerio, Operations Chief, 51 Wing, Italian Air Force



Afternoon Tea



The Challenges of Coalition Targeting: Setting up the RNLAF Target Support Cell

Captain Merijn Kerkhofs

Captain Merijn Kerkhofs, Deputy Commander, Target Support Cell, Royal Netherlands Air Force

• Targeting shortfalls
• Opportunities and threats
• The RNLAF Target Support Cell
 o Operational Concept
 o Products
 o Way ahead



Extending and Optimising the Typhoons Capabilities to Include Delivery of Close Air Support

Flight Lieutenant Daniel Jones

Flight Lieutenant Daniel Jones, Weapons, Typhoon Standards and Evaluation Squadron , Royal Air Force



Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

Air Commodore Paddy Teakle

Air Commodore Paddy Teakle, Deputy Commander NATO AEW&C Force Command, NATO

Deputy Commander NATO AEW&C Force Command
Former Deputy Commander, Operations
Air Command, Royal Air Force
Air Support and Helicopter Air Division Commander
Israeli Air Force
Programme Lead, Command and Control Force Development Programme
Forward Air Controller Section, Air Ground Operations School
Italian Air Force
Deputy Commander, Target Support Cell
Royal Netherlands Air Force
Deputy Chief of Staff, Air Operations
Czech Air Force
Program Manager
ViaSat Inc
Weapons, Typhoon Standards and Evaluation Squadron
Royal Air Force
Chief, Air Operations Co-ordination Centre, Joint Fires and Influence Branch
Precision Guided Munition Subject Matter Expert, Combat Air Branch, Joint Air Power Competence Centre
Chief, Forward Air Control Capabilities Section, Air Command
Senior Military Assistant to the Deputy Chairman, NATO
United States Marine Corps
Digitally Aided Close Air Support Program Officer, Fighter Equipment
French Air Force
Operations Chief, 51 Wing
Italian Air Force
Team Leader Suitability Tasting
German Army
Commander, German Air Ground Operations School, French/German Air Ground Operations School
German Air Force
Course Chief and Standardization Officer, TACAIR Expeditionary Warfare Training Group Pacific
United States Marine Corps
SO2 Effects, Attack Helicopter Force Headquarters
Joint Helicopter Command
CEO Precision Tactical Defense
Principle Consultant
AirLand Integration Ltd
Officer Commanding, Advanced Training Squadron, School of Aerospace Battle Management
Commanding Officer, Air Platform Protection Test & Evaluation Squadron

Sponsors and Exhibitors


Sponsors and Exhibitors

ViaSat Inc.

Sponsors and Exhibitors

ViaSat is on a mission to connect the world. As an end-to-end, turnkey Link 16 systems provider, ViaSat ensures government and military personnel have Link 16 communications access anywhere, so all operators and assets are accounted for – even at the most remote edges of the battlefield.

Media Partners



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Global Defence Technology


Global Defence Technology is the essential reading material for decision-makers in the defence industry, bringing you the latest news and insights in an exciting, interactive format. Produced by a team of experienced editors and contributors, this monthly magazine takes an in-depth look at defence procurement, market developments and the latest defence systems for land, air and sea. From major international equipment programmes to the next-generation technologies being developed in the labs of militaries and private manufacturers, GDT is keeping a finger on the pulse of the global defence industry.



ARMSCOM.net is a B2B /B2G platform for brokers of military goods. ARMSCOM.net is dedicated for Aerospace and Defense Industry with database containing more than 4000 companies and 3400 defense industrial sectors. Add Company and Products Profiles. For more information e-mail: armscom.net@gmail.com or visit http://www.armscom.net, tel.: + 372 816 946 77



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European Sting


The European Sting is the new online, Brussels based, European media that was born to bring a different critical and truly independent angle to European News and Affairs. The Sting is giving every day the fierce fight for a better and stronger European Union through constructive criticism and unique insights. We are treating daily in a unique way European Politics, Economics, Foreign Affairs, Business and ICT Agenda. We are committed to bridge the gap between Brussels and the EU member states by freely voicing the views of every European citizen. Tired of reading the basics? Visit http://www.europeansting.com and be part of the Hive that disrupts European Media.

Army Technology


Army-technology.com brings you up-to-date international news and features on the defence industry, covering military projects, trends, products, services and more in the army sector. With a team of journalists around the world, army-technology.com, along with sister sites naval-technology.com and airforce-technology.com, is the only business service that focuses on the technologies required by military personnel and companies working in this important field. When you combine this with one of the most comprehensive and detailed listings of military equipment suppliers, products and services, free white paper downloads and company press releases, you see why army-technology.com is the key point of reference for the defence industry.

Global Military Communications


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Homeland Security


HOMELAND SECURITY is a publishing house that produces specialist periodicals. “Homeland Security“ is a quarterly specialist periodical in German language and “Global Security“ is released twice a year in English language. They focus on international political, scientific, technical and additional up-to-date challenges arising from the sectors of safety and security, civil protection, disaster assistance and security research. The periodicals aim at decision makers in politics, ministries, public services and industry. Our specialist editorial team is located all over the world (e. g. USA, Canada, Australia, Asia). Accordingly, reporting is being carried out on the spot. Please have a look at a sample issue of our magazine “Global Security”: http://www.homeland-sec.de/en/epaper-global-security/

Defence Suppliers


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International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications


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Defense Express


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International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Communications


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Airforce Technologies


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International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems


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21st Century Asian Arms Race


21st Century Asian Arms Race (21AAR) is an online resource for conflict and security related information specific to Eurasia. 21AAR's editorial style and open source approach to gathering public intelligence ensures a unique and independent presentation of events in real-time.

Aviation News


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International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems


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CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

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